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Al-Batsh: Any Attack on Al-Quds Will Ignite a Regional Battle

11 Jan 2022 20:46

Islam Times - Member of the political bureau of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Khaled Al-Batsh, confirmed that "the Sword of al-Quds Battle constituted a strategic shift in the conflict with the enemy, and led the region to new equations that the faithful seek to strengthen and stabilize,” adding that “any attack on al-Quds would ignite an all-out regional battle in the face of this enemy”.

During a memorial ceremony, al-Batsh said, “The daily clash with the occupation continues, and this is clearly evident in the state of clash that our people in all of Palestine experience,” stressing that "the Resistance stands with the prisoners and is working to liberate them by all means”.

Al-Batsh explained that "the way to protect and restore Palestinian national rights is via achieving national unity on the basis of protecting principles, strengthening the resistance of our people, achieving national partnership, rebuilding institutions on new foundations that guarantee partnership in decision-making, and finding the necessary mechanisms for this in accordance with the 2005 Cairo Declaration and the outcomes of the recent meeting of the secretaries-general in Beirut and Ramallah, forming a unified national leadership for popular resistance, and forming popular protection committees to confront attacks by settlers and stop their incursion against our people in al-Quds and the West Bank, and protect the land from settlement and land annexation policy”.

Story Code: 973117

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