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Netanyahu Close to Plea Deal That Would See Him Out Of Politics

14 Jan 2022 12:11

Islam Times - ‘Israeli’ Likud party leader and former prime minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, and attorney-general Avichai Mandelblit are close to reaching a deal that would see him out of politics, media outlets reported on Thursday.

According to the reports, Netanyahu – currently the head of the opposition – would leave the Knesset and in exchange, Case 2000 would be closed and the bribery charge in Case 4000 would be removed.

In return, Netanyahu would plead guilty to the remaining charges of fraud and breach of trust, and would receive a sentence of community service without jail time.

A resignation by Netanyahu would create a political earthquake in the ‘Israeli’ occupation entity. Not only would it launch a race to replace him as head of the Likud, but it will also likely lead to the collapse of the current coalition led by Naftali Bennett.

A new Likud leader would be able to draw right-wing parties away and establish an alternative coalition without the Tel Aviv regime needing to head to a new election.

Story Code: 973547

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