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We Believe in Gaza's Victory: IRGC Chief

25 Feb 2024 09:03

Islam Times - The chief commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the Islamic Republic believes that the Palestinian Resistance will emerge victorious in the war with the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip.

Referring to the Israeli regime's ongoing crimes in Palestine, Major General Hossein Salami said that the Zionists seek to achieve victory by killing children, women, and defenseless people.

However, through their unity and resistance, the people of Gaza announced to the world that "coexistence with the Zionist regime is not possible," he added.

"We believe in these dear people's victory, and know that divine victory is with the devoted people, who do not give up resistance in this lopsided war," Salami emphasized.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the IRGC commander emphasized that the Iranian nation was to create a "glorious political epic" by staging optimal participation in upcoming elections.

He said that the enemies are trying to dissuade the people from turning up before the ballot boxes, But the Iranian nation knows that this is a political battle between them and their enemies.

"Iran's enemies will suffer defeat in the political battle too," he concluded.

Story Code: 1118442

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