Tuesday 29 November 2011 - 07:09

Yemen's New Prime Minister

Story Code : 118316
Basendwa which heads the Joint Meeting Parties will remain at the head of the government until the next presidential elections, easing Yemen into its first transitional period.

The government which will mistrial position will be distributed equally between the ruling party and the Opposition is causing quite a stir in Yemen as many are saying Saleh is lobbying for his men to remain in charge of key ministries such as Oil and Mineral, Finance, Defense, Communication and Foreign Affairs.

Sources within the Opposition and the presidential palace have mentioned that Sheikh Mohamed Abu Lohoom a former ruling party member and an early supporter of the popular uprising is set to become Foreign Minister and Horeyah Mashoor, the spokesperson of the National Council for the Yemeni Revolution will become the new human rights Minister with Tawakkul Karman, the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner at Communication.

However, even if the move has been received positively by Yemen's foreign partners; pro-democracy activists throughout the country are still denouncing the power-transfer deal, demanding that Saleh be tried for his crimes.

The unexpected return of Ali Abdullah Saleh caused quite a stir as many saw it as further signs of contempt on the part of the soon to be ex-ruling family.

With reports of more deaths in Taiz and Arhab, Yemen has still a long way to go before being free to move on.