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Mass to Arrive in Israel with a 3 Point Plan

19 May 2021 22:17

Islam Times - German Foreign Minister will arrive in Israel with a 3 point plan to ease tensions.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass will arrive in Israel tomorrow to discuss ceasefire efforts. He said that he wanted to push a 3 point plan.

Immediate stop of Hamas rocket fire, a cease-fire agreement in Gaza, and relaunch of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians as reported.

For over a week, Israeli forces have bombarded the Gaza Strip, a densely populated Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas. Israel has said its strikes are intended to stop indiscriminate rocket fire - itself a war crime - that has killed 10 of its citizens, including two children.

More than215 Palestinians have been killed, according to Gaza health authorities, prompting widespread criticism that the Israeli response has been disproportionate.

Story Code: 933496

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Islam Times