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Rocket Missiles Hit US Military Base in Deir ez-Zor, Syria

29 Jun 2021 03:59

Islam Times - News sources reported Monday night that rockets had hit a US military base in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor.

At least eight rockets hit a US military base at the Al-Omar oil field in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, the Iraqi Saberin News channel reported.

According to the Saberin News channel, columns of smoke and fire have risen from the base.

No casualties have been reported from the rocket attack.

The US military and its affiliated terrorist elements have been present illegally in northern and eastern Syria for a long time, and in addition to looting the country's oil and grain resources, they are taking action against Syrian residents and forces in those regions.

Syrian officials have repeatedly condemned the actions of the United States and its allies in Syria.

The United States is a major sponsor of terrorists in Syria.

The crisis in Syria began in 2011 with a massive offensive by terrorist groups backed by Saudi Arabia, the United States and their allies to shift the regional equation in favor of the Zionist regime.

Story Code: 940622

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