Monday 29 June 2020 - 10:43

Netanyahu Claims He’s ‘Ready for Negotiations with the Palestinians’

Story Code : 871529
Netanyahu Claims He’s ‘Ready for Negotiations with the Palestinians’
“‘Israel’ is ready for negotiations, I am ready for negotiations and believe that many Arab states hope we will enter such negotiations with the Palestinians,” Netanyahu alleged in a pre-recorded video aired at the Christians United for ‘Israel’ Virtual Summit, cited by outlet N12.

He also commended US President Donald Trump for his ‘tough stance on Iran and lauded the Trump administration's so-called Mideast peace proposal.'

“The US president’s vision finally brings an end to the illusion of the two-state solution and calls for a realistic two-state solution,” Netanyahu told the conference goers as quoted by N12.

“Applying ‘Israeli’ sovereignty over ‘Judea and Samaria’ [West Bank territories] in any future peace agreement will not reduce chances for peace but will advance the 'peace',” Netanyahu claimed.

He then implored the Palestinians “not to waste another opportunity, not to waste another decade in the attempt to eradicate ‘Israel’. They should support Trump’s plan for peace,” N12 reported.