Thursday 23 May 2024 - 23:03

New Crisis Slaps Israeli Command: Army Says Netanyahu Received Warnings of Hamas Attack, PM Denies

Story Code : 1137164
New Crisis Slaps Israeli Command: Army Says Netanyahu Received Warnings of Hamas Attack, PM Denies
The IOF confirmed on Thursday that Netanyahu received four warning letters between March and July 2023 from the Intelligence Division concerning how Israel’s “enemies” perceived the societal divides in the “State of Israel” and their effect on Israel and the Army in particular.

Netanyahu’s office later on Thursday denied that these letters warned of an impending attack by Hamas.

“Not only is there no warning in any of the documents about Hamas’s intentions to attack Israel from Gaza, but they actually contain completely opposite assessments,” the statement said.

“The two mentions of Hamas in the four documents state that Hamas does not want to attack ‘Israel’ from Gaza and is inclined toward an agreement. In the first mention from March 19, 2023, it is written that Hamas’s strategy is to ‘keep the Gaza Strip on a back burner’ and to focus the struggle against ‘Israel’ in other arenas.”

Netanyahu’s office also added that the second warning on May 31, 2023, recommended that ‘Israel’ take steps to reach an agreement with Gaza and the Hamas authorities.

“The letter, according to the prime minister’s office, stated that Hamas is not interested in escalation and seeks an agreement with ‘Israel’.”

Netanyahu’s office also noted that he had warned of the negative consequences of the internal conflicts on the deterrence against enemies.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas and the various resistance movements in Gaza carried out Al-Aqsa Flood Operation against the Israeli occupation troops in the Strip’s enclave in order to break the enemy’s siege, liberate the Palestinian prisoners and provide a considerable protection for Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Zionist attacks. The Israeli enemy has been committing genocidal massacres against Gaza civilians and causing a mass destruction since that date.