Thursday 23 November 2023 - 12:02

Iran’s Raisi: “Israel” Fell Short of All of Its Goals in Gaza

Story Code : 1097684
Iran’s Raisi: “Israel” Fell Short of All of Its Goals in Gaza
The chief executive made the remarks in an interview in Tehran on Wednesday with representatives of five Arabic-language television networks, namely Lebanon's al-Manar, Iraq's al-Etejah TV, and the Palestinian al-Aqsa TV and Palestine Today as well as Yemen's al-Masirah.

“‘Israel’ did not achieve any of its goals of occupying Gaza and eliminating the resistance,” he said.

Still referring to the war waged by the “Israeli” regime, Raisi said, “What the Zionist regime has done shows that it has grown desperate in the face of the Palestinian resistance”.

The regime launched the war on October 7 following an operation, dubbed al-Aqsa Flood, by the territory's resistance groups, which killed some 1,200 “Israeli” settlers and military forces and led to the captivity of hundreds more.

Raisi described the operation as the Palestinian people's “legitimate defense of their right,” which was prompted by their growing "impatient with [the 'Israeli' regime's] incessant oppression."

"A nation, whose home is usurped, whose family members are imprisoned and martyred, and whose farms are destroyed, enjoys the right to legitimate self-defense" by whatever logical standard, the president said.

The Palestinian operation, Raisi added, inflicted "military, security, and intelligence defeat" upon the "Israeli" regime.

The president, meanwhile, pointed to the regime's killing of more than 14,500 Palestinians so far during the war, saying, "Killing of women and children does not translate into victory."

The massacre of women and children "has created an unprecedented atmosphere of anti-Zionist hatred across the world," Raisi concluded.

Iran’s Raisi: “Israel” Fell Short of All of Its Goals in Gaza

Also on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who has traveled to the Lebanese capital of Beirut, warned against failure to extend a four-day truce that has been agreed between the “Israeli” regime and Gaza's Hamas resistance movement.

"If the truce does not continue, the conditions of the region will change and the scope of the war will expand," he told Lebanon's al-Mayadeen television network in an interview.

"We have previously warned that if the war continues, the opening of new fronts is inevitable. The Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, and Yemenis cannot stand by and watch what is happening," the top diplomat said.

The “Israeli” regime has carried out sporadic attacks against southern Lebanon during the course of the war, which has sparked a firefight between the regime and Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement.

Ever since the onset of the war, Yemen's Armed Forces have also carried out several rounds of operations against the occupied territories in support of Palestinians, vowing to continue their attacks as long as the regime sustains its aggression.

Iraq's resistance groups have, meanwhile, been attacking bases housing American troops on several occasions as means of confronting the United States, “Israel's” biggest and oldest ally, which has been supplying the regime with thousands of consignments of arms since the onset of the war.

Amir Abdollahian also pointed to the United States and “Israel's” so-called post-war schemes for Gaza, referring to Washington and Tel Aviv's suggestions that the territory may not be ruled by Hamas in the aftermath of the warfare.

"‘Israel’ and the United States are unable to eliminate Hamas in Gaza, and the movement will remain in Palestine, and the end of the war will be in favor of the resistance," he concluded.