Thursday 7 December 2023 - 09:23

Yemen Fires Ballistic Missiles Into ‘Israeli’-occupied Territories

Story Code : 1101019
Yemen Fires Ballistic Missiles Into ‘Israeli’-occupied Territories
Yemen’s Armed Forces said in a statement on Wednesday they targeted Umm al-Rashrash city in the southern part of the occupied Palestine.

The statement vowed Yemen will continue military operations against the occupied territories until the aggression against Gaza stops.

It said they’ll also keep preventing ‘Israeli’ ships from navigating in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

Earlier, the ‘Israeli’ regime said it had shot down one ballistic missile over the Red Sea using the Arrow air system.

Media reports said the incident set off sirens in Umm al-Rashrash, called Eilat by the regime, though it said the missile did not enter the occupied territories' airspace.

Separately, a US military official told Western media that they had shot down a Yemeni drone flying towards the ‘Israeli’-occupied territories this morning.

Separately, the UK's Maritime Trade Operations agency said it had received reports of an incident involving a suspected drone over the Red Sea, west of the Yemeni port of Hudaydah.

Yemeni forces have launched several ballistic missiles and drones at the ‘Israeli’-occupied territories since the beginning of the ‘Israeli’ war on Gaza in October.

The Yemeni armed forces said last Sunday that they fired missiles at two ‘Israeli’ ships in the Red Sea.

Also on November 19, the Yemeni army naval forces boarded a commercial ship believed to be ultimately owned by a major ‘Israeli’ businessman linked to the ‘Tel Aviv’ regime.