Friday 8 December 2023 - 22:29

‘Friendly Fire’ Incident Claims the Life of Israeli Occupation Soldier in Gaza

Story Code : 1101378
‘Friendly Fire’ Incident Claims the Life of Israeli Occupation Soldier in Gaza
Due to a miscommunication and misdirected ground fire from the occupation soldiers, the Apache combat helicopter ended up targeting the wrong building. This incident highlights the challenges faced by the Israeli occupation forces in the complex and highly volatile situation.

The incident was part of a recent series of “friendly fire” accidents among Israeli occupation forces, as reported by Israeli news website Haaretz. These incidents have resulted in casualties during the intense ground offensive against the Gaza Strip.

On another note, reports indicate that the Israeli occupation military has imposed new restrictions on reporting casualties. Hospitals are now being coerced by the military spokesperson to refrain from announcing the arrival of wounded or deceased personnel without explicit permission. The objective behind this measure is to control the timing of information release to suit military convenience and strategic interests.

According to Walla!, an Israeli news publication, hospital representatives have expressed concerns about the military spokesperson taking on the role of a national morale delegate. Their primary responsibility lies with providing proper treatment and support to those in need, rather than being dictated by the timing of information releases.

Moreover, hospital spokespersons are now required to seek permanent approval from the military spokesperson’s representative stationed at the hospital before making any public statements. This move by the Israeli military is viewed as an attempt to maintain strict control over the flow of information during the war.

While the Israeli military continues its offensive, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza remains vigilant in protecting its territory.