Saturday 30 March 2024 - 21:18

Malaysia Arrests “Israeli” with 6 Guns in Possession

Story Code : 1125962
Malaysia Arrests “Israeli” with 6 Guns in Possession
The Malaysian Police Chief Tan Sri Razarudin Husain stated that the arrest of the “Israeli”, 36, was made a day earlier, two weeks after he entered Malaysia through Kuala Lumpur International Airport, at the Jalan Ampang Hotel.

According to Malaysian authorities, the “Israeli” revealed during interrogation that he entered Malaysia using a French passport, and “after further investigation, he revealed an ‘Israeli’ passport.”

“The individual claimed he entered Malaysia to kill another ‘Israeli’ due to a family dispute, but we are not buying into that story and are not ruling out other possibilities,” said the Malaysian police chief at a press conference. Malaysian media suggested the possibility that the suspect might be an agent of a certain agency.

According to the Malaysian police chief, the suspect purchased firearms using cryptocurrency. “The suspect claimed to have bought the firearms upon arrival here, and I can assess that this might be true as he arrived from the United Arab Emirates, where scrutiny is tight,” Razrauddin added.

“We believe he did not act alone and had a local contact whom we have not yet identified,” he continued. Three of the firearms found in the possession of the ‘Israeli’ were loaded. Investigations revealed that during his two-week stay in Malaysia, he stayed in three different hotels.”