Sunday 3 December 2023 - 07:42

Israeli Attacks in West Bank Claim Lives of Three Palestinians

Story Code : 1099964
Israeli Attacks in West Bank Claim Lives of Three Palestinians
The first event occurred in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, where Israeli settlers, shielded by regime forces, launched a violent attack, as stated by the official Palestinian Wafa news agency.

During this assault, the settlers fired live ammunition at Ahmed Mustafa Assi, a 38-year-old father of six. Despite his injuries, medical assistance was prevented from reaching Assi by the accompanying Israeli forces.

In a separate incident near Tell in the Nablus province, another Palestinian succumbed to injuries sustained during an attack by Israeli forces, as per reports from Wafa news agency. Access for ambulances was denied before the individual was detained by Israeli forces, later passing away due to severe injuries.

A third Palestinian lost his life early Sunday during a violent Israeli raid in Qalqilyah. Local sources indicated that the 21-year-old was fatally struck by live fire as Israeli forces fired indiscriminately during house raids, while the man was en route to his workplace.

These reported incidents add to heightened tensions in the region since October 7, when Israel commenced military action in Gaza. Since then, numerous Palestinian casualties have occurred across the occupied territories, with hundreds dead and thousands injured in attacks by Israeli settlers or troops.

In the latest series of assaults, Israeli forces carried out an extensive raid in Jenin and its refugee camp, resulting in the deaths of two Palestinian children.